Welcome to our church! We are a body of Seventh-Day Adventist believers in Calhoun, Georgia, a multi-generational and multi-ethnic congregation here to serve and extend God’s love to the Calhoun community and beyond. Our goal is to take care of one another and share the love of God with all.

Our mission is to share God’s love by reaching all people with the message of Christ’s soon return.

Our Pastors

Pastor Glenn Aguirre, Lead Pastor

Pastor Glenn has been a Pastor for almost 18 years. Before moving to Georgia, he served in the Florida Conference and Illinois Conference. He is excited to be in the Calhoun Church! His wife, Celena, is an RN, and they have 4 children: Micaella, Jacob, Madelyn, and Milana. Glenn loves to meet people, loves to preach the gospel, and loves to see the church on mission!

Pastor Andres Palacios, Associate Pastor

Pastor Andres Palacios serves as the associate Pastor at Calhoun. Andy felt his calling to be a pastor in the fourth grade and later got his B.A. in Theology at Southern Adventist University.
